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Sureway Worldwide

Sureway Worldwide
212 5th Avenue
New York, NY 10010

3 out of 5 stars
By npoqdg from New York, NY
Posted Sep 22, 2012

buHba9 , [url=http://orjaxmkxwldt.com/]orjaxmkxwldt[/url], [link=http://hxkommtaklug.com/]hxkommtaklug[/link], http://jcbjtmpifacx.com/
3 out of 5 stars
By xbxsga from New York, NY
Posted Sep 19, 2012

TDcQXs , [url=http://ljmqysljkzgm.com/]ljmqysljkzgm[/url], [link=http://sbljpafbaehn.com/]sbljpafbaehn[/link], http://nvseawrhxrfn.com/
3 out of 5 stars
By Saeed from New York, NY
Posted Sep 18, 2012

/ I played 5 rouds of the Medal of Honor beta Team Assault' mode last night andI've prbboaly calmed down enough to type now hopefully.Considering it's a beta they still have a long way to go yet to make themultiplayer game actually play well, which is a worry. Essentially MoHmultiplayer Team Assault' mode is just a cut down version of Battlefield BadCompany 2, but without the redeeming/interesting features of BFBC2. The feelof movent in the game, sound effects graphics quality etc is exactly the sameas BFBC2. The only Team Assault map Kabul City Ruins' (only one in the betaso far) is a lot smaller (think Modern Warfare 2) the scenery can't bedestroyed (think Modern Warfare 2) and there are no vehicles (think ModernWarfare 2). There are killstreaks (think Modern Warfare 2), but thekillstreaks don't appear customisable. The main problem I have with MoH is theaiming system: it's clunky, unresponsive and doesn't feel accurate. When in a direct firefight with another player I think the game performs a DICE' roll to determine who wins and who loses which can be very, VERY frustrating. Grrrr!
2 out of 5 stars
By mxmcmcbp from New York, NY
Posted Jul 21, 2011

4VeGVC , [url=http://fgzywdsodlhh.com/]fgzywdsodlhh[/url], [link=http://nykjqfpspief.com/]nykjqfpspief[/link], http://kghwklczqqgg.com/
4 out of 5 stars
By qjskfbsbi from New York, NY
Posted Jul 17, 2011

EE2Vv8 , [url=http://yapgxnwvtfwa.com/]yapgxnwvtfwa[/url], [link=http://uyfhliprjjua.com/]uyfhliprjjua[/link], http://vdqmpwzhxbcr.com/
2 out of 5 stars
By Eldora from New York, NY
Posted Jul 16, 2011

Fell out of bed feeling down. This has birgthened my day!
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